Friday, November 11, 2011

The most beautiful smile!

This is the final part of Le Roi des Champs-Elysées. The movie is in French. Keaton is dubbed in all but one sentence, when he says "Ouvre la porte" with a very funny American accent at 9:32

If you do not speak French, nor Spanish, probably you will not want to watch all the movie, but if you just watch the last minute (the final sequence I refer to starts at 15:50), you will see the most beautiful smile of Keaton! Well, I don't know if it's the most beautiful, but it is really really beautiful :)

I did not expect it and it was a wonderful surprise. You will be amazed! Buster Keaton was said to smile and laugh a lot off screen, but we rarely see him smiling on screen, so this is one of the rare instances , and what a beautiful smile it is :)

His role as the villain is also interesting! If you can bear the foreign languages (I did, I must say it was alright), you can find the whole movie on youtube, on littlelovenest channel. Just to make it easy for you:

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

Littlelovenest has also a great blog, with pictures and gifs of Buster Keaton. Definitely recommended!

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